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CLIENT ALERT: Title IX Update – Implications for South Carolina Higher Education Institutions

A recent court ruling in Kansas will temporarily block the implementation and enforcements of the Biden administration's new Title IX Rule at certain South Carolina

CLIENT ALERT: Remote Employee Jurisdictional Considerations For Employers

For many employers and employees, the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new era of “normal” in the workplace. One of the most notable changes

CLIENT ALERT: To Compete or Not Compete: The FTC Weighs In

Non-compete agreements will be prohibited starting Summer 2024—with few exceptions On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued a final rule banning

CLIENT ALERT: SC Supreme Court Clarifies Procedure in “John Doe” Lawsuits

The South Carolina Supreme Court has recently clarified an important issue in “John Doe” uninsured motorist lawsuits. In the recent matter of Peter Rice v.

CLIENT ALERT: Navigating The Corporate Transparency Act

Navigating the Corporate Transparency Act: Key Insights and Compliance Tips With the implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) on January 1, 2024, it is

CLIENT ALERT: Equitable Indemnity Revisited and Reaffirmed

One of the most frequently asked questions by our clients who have been unfairly sued is who can they make pay. In some circumstances, our

CLIENT ALERT: $10 Million Verdict for Customer Injured In South Carolina Discount Department Store

Small failures to follow policies can lead to BIG problems. A jury in Florence, South Carolina recently awarded $10 million to a customer who was

CLIENT ALERT: New Year, New Changes in Title IX

The new year is a time for reflection and also for making resolutions and predictions about what 2022 will bring. In the world of higher

CLIENT ALERT: South Carolina Supreme Court Clarifies At-Will Employment Doctrine

In the recent case Hall v. UBS Financial Services, our Supreme Court answered certified questions pertaining to at-will employment in South Carolina, and all employers